In-Person and Hybrid Learning at Fusion Academy

Below are the safety measures we are implementing at our campuses to maintain health at school and in our staff and students’ personal lives. The precautions listed on this page may vary based on local and state guidance. Campuses still offer virtual and hybrid instruction to help with the back-to-school transition. For the most up-to-date information, connect with your nearest campus.

Click here to learn more about our customized learning options.

While campuses were closed, our teams…

  • Cleaned and disinfected all workstations, offices, and common areas. This includes the kitchen, lobby, Homework Cafés, classrooms, restrooms, etc.
  • Instituted daily and weekly cleaning protocols
  • Established hand sanitizer stations in areas where soap and water are not nearby
  • Implemented social distancing measures, including the placement of work areas
  • Trained staff in the form of a playbook, videos, and informational posters
  • Designed measures to control the flow of people entering and exiting the building
  • Limited common area and restroom capacity
  • Removed/disabled non-essential shared objects, such as puzzles, playing cards, games, etc.

New Safety Protocols Implemented:

Face Coverings & Social Distancing

  • Everyone is required to wear a face covering while on campus. (May vary depending on local and/or state guidance.)
  • Social distancing is encouraged at all times.
  • Contact campus leadership if your student(s) can’t wear a face covering for medical reasons.

Handwashing & Cleaning

  • CDC recommends washing hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Handwashing instructions have been posted at all sinks.
  • In traffic areas where there is no soap and water nearby, hand sanitizing stations have been added.
  • Students will take part in cleaning their work area before starting teaching sessions—including surfaces, chair, supplies, etc.
  • Removed/disabled non-essential shared objects, such as puzzles, playing cards, games, etc.


Restricted Use of Common Areas

  • Homework Café capacity is limited to the number of people listed at the entrance.
  • Dividers have been added in certain areas for additional protection.
  • Capacity limits for the restrooms, supply rooms and other common areas will be posted along with instructions

Daily Self-Assessments and Symptoms on Campus

Until further notice, anyone entering the campus will complete a digital COVID-19 daily survey and receive a confirmation before arriving at campus. If someone decides not to complete the digital form, they will be asked the assessment questions upon entry. If anyone has symptoms, we ask that they do not come to campus.

If someone experiences symptoms on campus:

  • We have protocol in place to protect that person and all occupants on campus.
  • If a student or staff member tests positive, we have a plan in place including deep-cleaning and disinfecting the campus.

Staff Safety Precautions and Commitments

To ensure health & safety, our staff is working differently and together.

They are making the commitment to:

  • Self-assess their health every day.
  • Bring their own drinking cups, coffee, snacks, lunch, etc. There will be no communal food or beverages for the foreseeable future.
  • Follow social distancing guidelines.
  • Clean and sanitize work areas.
  • Practice proper handwashing and sanitizing.
  • Cough and sneeze into tissues or elbow.
  • Wear face coverings.

A letter From our President


Dear Fusion Community,

After much preparation and hard work, many Fusion Academy campuses have returned to campus and have in-person learning available. These campuses are still offering virtual and hybrid options so families can customize a plan that works best for everyone.

Campuses have taken every precaution to ensure student and staff safety. They have implemented procedures such as health self-assessments, barriers in common spaces, mask requirements, social distance markers, hand sanitizing stations, extra cleaning measures, and more. I’m incredibly proud of how our campuses have stepped up.

Thank you for your continued support. It has been our great joy to provide consistency to your family during a time when so much is in constant change. The hard work was worth it to hear stories like this:

“The school’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been seamless, the academics have been as strong as in the on-site environment, and the virtual social opportunities have filled a huge gap in our son’s daily pandemic life. In some ways, he has taken more advantage of the social opportunities since shifting to a remote environment, and Fusion has been tireless and creative in furnishing these opportunities. I have rarely seen him more engaged, elated, and gratified than he was during the recent virtual prom.

Fusion has taken a struggling “C” student with attention, executive function, and self-regulation issues and helped him transform himself into an “A” student who, most importantly, enjoys learning, seeks out knowledge, is curious about the world around him and the people in it, has friends and social connections, and is mature, thoughtful, empathetic, diligent, and responsible. He has even been accepted into college, beginning in the fall–an outcome that, three years ago, was by no means certain or even likely. We are so grateful to Fusion and feel we owe them so much. They made everything possible for our son.” – John Kemmerer, Fusion Princeton Parent

With gratitude,

Jeff Poole
President & Chief Operating Officer

Transferring to Fusion Academy

If you’re looking for a new school environment that is smaller and safer, Fusion Academy offers open enrollment. You can start now or enroll for fall.

Click Here to Learn More

Ready to find out if Fusion is the right fit for your child?

Fill out the form and a member of our admissions team will be in contact with you.

  • By filling out this form, I consent to being contacted by a Fusion Academy representative via phone, email, or text with information about the school(s). Calls may be recorded for quality assurance.
