Sumita Vasudeva


Certified Yoga Teacher 1998; Certified Advanced Yoga Teacher 2007; Stanford Health 4 All Fellow 2014; Re-certification in process for Personal Fitness Instructor 2023


Sumita graduated from Delhi University in India in 1992 with a Bachelor of Economics. She is certified in yoga, clinical Ayurveda, and lifestyle science. She is currently re-certifying in personal fitness instruction.


After working in non-profit and conference management in Belgium, Hong Kong, and the US, Sumita pivoted to a career in lifestyle science in the year 2002. She began teaching fitness and yoga, along with providing personalized consulting/coaching in lifestyle and behavior change management through her own company and online platform.

Fun Facts and Hobbies

  • Had a 'pet' elephant for a few weeks when she was about 6 years old. Bulbul was a rescued orphan and was temporarily housed with her father's army regiment in East India.
  • Has traveled to more than 50 countries.
  • Loves to read and spend time in nature.