Getting Back on Track

In his previous school, Ian felt left behind and didn't have much ambition for the future. After attending Fusion, he feels smarter and has a clear plan.

Ian Scheel


Fusion Austin

What He's Doing Now

Pursuing Pararescue with the Air Force

Instead of feeling like he was going through the motions, at Fusion Ian felt like he was actually working with his teacher to truly learn.

“Basically in public school I didn’t really have any ambition after high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Fusion really changed that.”- Ian

In Fusion’s one-to-one environment his teachers were able to work in his love of cars to his classes. He learned math through the pistons of an engine, and worked on statistics by collecting data at car shows.

“He truly is the reason I became a teacher.” – Laurie Smith, Ian’s Teacher/Mentor

He doesn’t have a lack of work ethic, but in his previous school he didn’t have much ambition for life after high school. Now he has plans to join the Air Force and serve in pararescue.

Ian graduated from Fusion Academy Austin in May of 2019.

“I don’t feel stupid anymore.” – Ian

95 %

of students say they are getting the academic support they need to be successful at Fusion, compared to 47% before.

59 %

increase, within three months of enrolling, in the number of students who feel they're treated with quite a bit or a great deal of respect by their school peers at Fusion compared to their previous school.

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