Hope For a Bright Future

Randy's daughter Ilana experienced life change through Fusion Academy. First as a tutoring student, and then full-time, she found hope again.

By Randy Delue

Fusion San Diego

Why Fusion

Randy's daughter was unhappy, depressed, and anxious at her other private school. She didn't feel like she fit in, so Randy sought the advice of the school psychologist who suggested Fusion Academy.

Seeking a Solution

When I think about where we were, and where we are, my eyes well up with tears, my heart fills with joy, and an ear to ear smile takes over my face. My daughter Ilana, 16, is almost unrecognizable from the unhappy, depressed, and anxious kid she was only one year ago. For several years, Ilana complained that she was not able to learn or grow in her previous school environment. She constantly complained that the other kids were mean and unaccepting of her, that the teachers did not understand her and that she just wasn’t a fit there. I tried my best to convince her that most teenagers experience challenges and that her issues were normal but to no avail. Ilana simply needed a change.

I sought the advice of her school psychologist, Ms. Bessinger. She asked me if I had ever heard of Fusion Academy. I told her I had not. She recommended that it might be a good fit for Ilana. That was all it took, a simple recommendation from a knowing adult who had Ilana’s best interest in mind.

Starting with Tutoring

At the Head of School’s suggestion, Ilana began the very next semester as a tutoring student at Fusion Academy. Her tuition had already been paid for the year at her previous school. What difference would being a tutoring student make in her day to day experience? Who knew, but at least it was a way for her to become assimilated with Fusion. She was to meet one time per week with Nadia, to work on Math and Science. I certainly could not have guessed the results.

Happy. Confident. Expressive.

Ilana found her comfort zone at Fusion. Even as a tutoring only student, she was happier, more confident, and expressive. Our car rides home were no longer in silence. Rather, she was telling me how Nadia simplified a concept that Ilana had previously struggled with. But, the true test remained. How would it be when she was a full-time Fusion student? Would she fit in? Could she handle the rigor? Would she improve her average level grades?

Cut to the present day. Ilana is now finishing her first year as a full-time student at Fusion Academy, and I am proud to say that she is thriving like I never dreamed possible! She is not only a straight-A student, but she also has several A+. She is on the yearbook team and participates in the school social events. She is so happy and full of hope that she now has chosen to pursue a career in medical research! I can hardly believe this is the same kid! Gone is this withdrawn kid lacking in self-esteem. Instead, I am a proud dad of an outstanding student who is confident and dedicated to producing high-quality work.

Gratitude and Hope

I cannot adequately express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the Head of School and the entire staff at Fusion. Each and every faculty member and staff have made a significant contribution to Ilana’s overall wellness. It is such a joy to pick her up from school and sit back and listen to her ramble on about all the things she did at school that day. It sits in stark contrast to silent rides home from her previous school.

Thank you, Fusion Academy, you gave my child hope for a bright future!

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