Justus Leben


B. Sci. Applied Mathematics


Justus earned their Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics from CU Boulder’s College of Engineering and Applied Science. Their coursework had a focus in Computer Science, and they also minored in Economics; Justus was a self-proclaimed “Decision Making Major.”


Justus has tutored in STEM fields since 2018. They were the Center Director of a Mathnasium Franchise before 2020, and they have a breadth of experience remotely teaching High School Mathematics, Advanced Placement courses, SAT, ACT, and GED prep. In their spare time, Justus likes incorporating their math and computer science skills into optimizing day to day tasks, such as spreadsheeting their gas mileage, and analyzing data from gaming tournaments. They are also kicking off the student-led Gaming club on campus this year!

Fun Facts and Hobbies

  • Justus sang Bass in their college A Cappella group
  • They own a giant framed Magic: The Gathering card that they won in 2019 with cards that have since been banned for being too good
  • They are an avid trivia and puzzle enjoyer